Effect of Contract Management on Performance of Market Development Projects in Meru County, Kenya

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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
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Mbaya, E. M., & Ndolo, J. (2024). Effect of Contract Management on Performance of Market Development Projects in Meru County, Kenya. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews.
The County government had set out its Integrated Development Plan for the 2018 to 2022 to implement various market development projects to reverse the weak business infrastructure in the county. Meru County intended to expand Nkubu and Ntharene Markets. Imenti North Sub County there were aims to establish a modern retail market at Gakoromone, while Buuri Sub County sought to expand Timau Market. Additionally, Igembe Sub County had plans to expand Kangeta Market. These projects did not get to completion as anticipated. As a result, this study sought to assess the effects of contract management practices on performance of market development projects in Meru County, Kenya. Steward theory led the research. It adopted a descriptive research design for the research methodology. The study targeted 410 officials directly involved in project implementation as respondents, who were selected using a simple random sampling method. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to draw meaningful conclusions. The regression model coefficients revealed that the effect of contract management was not statistically significant. The study concludes that contract management is positively correlated with the performance of market development projects in Meru County, Kenya
management, contract, performance, stewardship
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