An evaluation of teacher preparedness in combating Drug abuse in public secondary schools Students in Isiolo Sub-County, Isiolo County, Kenya

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Adan, H. D. (2015). An evaluation of teacher preparedness in combating Drug abuse in public secondary schools Students in Isiolo Sub-County, Isiolo County, Kenya. Mount Kenya University.
Cases of drug abuse amongst teenagers and moreso secondary school students are at disturbingly high levels and have been a concern to many education stakeholders. Thus, the study intended to evaluate teachers’ preparedness in combating drug abuse in public secondary schools in Isiolo Sub-county, Isiolo County, Kenya. The literature review was based on the concept of drug abuse amongst secondary school students, teachers’ training on life skills, teachers’ attitudes and teachers’ monitoring in relation to combating drug abuse in secondary schools. The study was guided by the Theory of Substance Abuse Prevention. The study adopted quantitative and qualitative methods. The study applied concurrent triangulation research design which enabled the researcher to use the quantitative and qualitative methods during the same timeframe and with equal weight. Questionnaires were used to collect data from teachers and students whereas interview schedules were used to collect data from principals. Pilot study was conducted amongst 5 teachers and 15 students from one school in Isiolo Sub-county to establish validity and reliability which was determined using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Method. Credibility and Dependability of qualitative data were also determined. The target population comprised 7 principals, 138 teachers and 1871 students totaling to 2016. Using The Central Limit Theorem of Sample Size Determination, a sample of 4 schools was selected from the targeted 7 secondary schools. Based on the same theorem, the researcher sampled 300 respondents, that is, 14.89% of 2016. The researcher then applied stratified sampling to 4 strata based on the number of wards each consisting of 1 secondary school. From each stratum 1 principal and 11 teachers were selected using purposive sampling considering secondary schools which have had instances of drug abuse amongst students. 64 students were selected using simple random sampling from each stratum. This was appropriate since it eliminated bias and favoritism. This sampling procedure enabled the researcher to realize a sample of 4 principals, 42 teachers and 254 students. Frequency counts of the responses were then obtained to generate information about the respondents and to illustrate the general trend of findings on the various variables that were under investigation. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically based on the research objectives whereas the basic quantitative data was analyzed inferentially using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient Test Analysis in Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS). The findings of the study were presented using tables. The study has established that teachers’ training on life skills, attitudes and ability to monitor students are critical in combating drug abuse amongst students in secondary schools. Skills and values addressed in Life Skills based education for drug use prevention may have general applicability to all aspects of a young person’s life. The study thus recommends that teachers should be motivated to take up course on Life Skills since they are the custodians of students’ behavior. This would enable them understand the trauma and challenges students undergo to warrant their involvement in drug abuse. Students should be advised on the dangers of drug abuse and should focus more on their academic studies. Parents should partner with teachers in combating drug abuse both at home and school. Teachers should be advised to desist from hands-off attitude when it comes to combating drug abuse amongst their students. The government should formulate a regulation to ensure stricter implementation of policies against drug abuse in schools by developing punitive measures.
Educational Leadership, Management
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